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Give Thanks!

Updated: Mar 12, 2021

Your to do list is long,

but this should be at the very top.

It’s never too late.

You can always remind people why what they did was important to you.

Why is sending a thank you note important?

It helps you do the four following things for your school community.

  1. Set your school apart. We fondly remember someone who sends us a nice thank you note. When decisions are being made, people will remember your gratitude, and therefore remember your school and continue to work for your benefit.

  2. Build stronger relationships. Writing a thank you note can build stronger relationships between colleagues. For nearly anything we want to do in education, we need partners in the work to accomplish it. Collaboration requires strong relationships and thank you notes are a great way to cement these connections.

  3. Provide a permanent reminder. People value receiving thank you cards and often get so few that often they keep it when they receive it. Thank you notes can serve as a wonderful permanent reminder of your connection.

  4. Say thanks. This one is obvious, but can’t be overstated. Thank you notes share our gratitude and appreciation for another person. This small act can make all the difference.

Who should get a thank you note?

Everyone. But definitely include these people...

  • School Building: Teachers, teacher assistants, secretary, coaches, counselor, social worker, examiners, special education services, nurse, PTA, food service, safety & security, custodians

  • District Office: food service, transportation, safety & security, curriculum/academics, operations, buildings & grounds, superintendent, immediate supervisor, colleagues, marketing, development, IT

  • Stakeholders: Literally anyone who has ever done anything to help you, your teachers, or your students including your community partners, parents, and the local political players

What should be in a thank you note?

You can highlight lots of things, but if you get stuck, use these as inspiration:

  • Hard Work & Strong Work Ethic

  • Commitment & Contribution

  • Respect & Trust

  • Positivity & Inspiration

  • Professionalism & General Thanks

Quick Examples:

  • Your extra effort, dedication, insights and opinions are all extremely valuable to the successful undertakings of this organization.

  • Your passion for the job has shown us how professional you are. Thank you for always being in position to help keep this school running smoothly and helping the rest of the team achieve the school's planned goals. We are so blessed to have a promising person like you. Keep up the good work!

  • I just wanted you to know how appreciative we are for your spending extra hours and effort. You really went above and beyond to help this school reach its full potential. We are proud to have you on our team.

  • People like you are the epitome of professionalism. Thank you for bringing your best to work every single day.

  • If anyone in this school truly deserves a commendation, it is you. Thank you for all you do every moment that has earned this school the success it has today. Your excellent performance and professionalism have really changed peoples’ perception about us, and we really appreciate your hard work and commitment.

  • We would like to thank you for all your contributions to our school’s growth. You really deserve this token of appreciation for all your hardworking effort and long extra hours that you have put in toward achieving and exceeding revenue targets. Once again, we are truly appreciative of all your dedicated years of good service and continued commitment to our vision. Keep it up!

  • Just wanted to write a note to say, “Thank you for the fantastic job you do every day.”

  • No job is too big or too small for you. Thanks for always jumping in and helping out.

  • You are always asking how you can help. That is so nice. Thank you.


  • Keep It Short: The "Rule of Three" says that the human mind can only remember three things about anything. Choose no more than three points you want to stress about yourself which might include skills, knowledge, and other personal traits.

  • Highlight your school’s mission and/or vision: Focus your thanks to reflect what things they did that supports your school’s mission and/or vision.

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