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40 Self-Care Journal Prompts

Updated: Nov 14, 2020

One of the most challenging parts of journaling is figuring out what you are going to write about on any given day. You can choose a different prompt every time you write, or choose a favorite one you’d like to write about frequently. Write on or using whatever you’d like - a notebook, a sticky note, or a private blog.

Personally Introspective:

  1. Write about five things that make you happy.

  2. Write about 3 things about yourself that you love.

  3. What is your greatest strength?

  4. What would you do differently?

  5. Describe a perfect morning for you.

  6. Describe a perfect evening for you.

  7. What do you need to let go of?

  8. When are you at your best during the day?

  9. Why do you practice self-care?

  10. If you loved yourself unconditionally, how would you treat myself? How can you act on that feeling now?

  11. What is your favorite self care quote?

Personally Reflective:

  1. Write about a day you will never forget.

  2. Write about a quote or verse that has inspired you.

  3. What is the most important lesson you have ever learned?

  4. Who has had the biggest impact on your life in a positive way?

  5. What is one path you are glad you did not take?

  6. Write about something you have done that you thought you would never do.

  7. Write about a person you love.

  8. What was the funniest thing said to you?

  9. What motivated you the most?

  10. What was the silliest thing you heard?

  11. What was the cutest outfit you saw?

  12. What is one thing you learned from someone else?

  13. What was the best part of your day?

  14. What are 3 things that you are currently doing that no longer serve you? How can you stop doing these things?

  15. Does your self-care practice feel like a chore or an item on your to-do list?

  16. What personal needs are you sacrificing to meet the needs of others?

Personally Future-facing:

  1. What are you going to do today to make yourself happy?

  2. Write a letter to yourself at 16 or 90 years old.

  3. What is one activity you would love to try, but haven’t yet?

  4. What is your self-care mantra today?

  5. What’s one thing you can change to create a more balanced day in terms of your work/life balance?

  6. What’s one feel good thing you can do today?

  7. What would you say to someone that thinks self-care is selfish?

  8. What are the obstacles to practicing self-care daily? How can you overcome at least one of them?

Related to School/Teaching/Students:

  1. What is the most rewarding thing about teaching for you?

  2. What is one thing you are looking forward to this coming school year?

  3. What was a highlight of last school year?

  4. What is the most important lesson you want to teach your students?

  5. How would you describe your teaching style?

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