In this easily referenceable eBook, you will receive over 50 unique event ideas – from traditional events to innovative events for your school! Created to help you plan an entire school year of events, our New Ideas for Event Planning book gives you everything you need to add these purposeful and fun events to your school calendar without adding so much planning to your to do list!
What's Included:
Event Engineering - a printable planning page for your use!
26 separate event ideas organized into 4 categories
Introducing Culture
Maintaining Connections
Collaborating to Create
Celebrating Community
A blank 2020-2021 calendar for you to fill out
Our Event Entries have lots of customizability!
Each event entry features a key that indicates what time of day may be best, the range of upfront costs, and the possible participants to help you decide if an event is a great fit or not!
Easily Find Event Entries!
Each event in the table of contents is clickable – which means when you click it, it takes you right to that event entry!
Print out and write on!
Get the most out of this eBook by printing this out and writing all over it! There is an index in the back to help you navigate from a paper copy. Please let me know if you would like an editable version of this document!
Check out my preview for a closer look at this product!
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New Ideas for Event Planning for Schools - Blended/Online Version
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